We inspire Army Judge Advocates,
Legal Administrators, and
Paralegals to be Soldiers first...
While the U.S. Army JAG Corps excels at producing
competent and broadly skilled legal professionals,
the JAGWAR complements this training by
facilitating opportunities geared towards
developing more competent and
broadly skilled Soldiers.
27A / 27B / 27D / 270A
Sponsor a JAGWAR “Candidate”!
Mentor legal professionals committed to living the Army JAG Corps’s "dual profession"!
Earn distinction and enhance the prestige of the Army JAG Corps by participating in the Order’s rigorous Induction event!
The Judge Advocate General's Warrior-Attorney Regiment
The Order of the JAGWAR is a regimental association formally unaffiliated with the
United States Government, Department of Defense, United States Army,
or U.S. Army Judge Advocate General’s Corps (JAG Corps).
See the DISCLAIMER for more details.