Once all Membership Eligibility criteria have been satisfied, Candidates must email an application with proof of completion of all 5 criteria (please include pictures of the Candidate completing the requisite events for publication on the JAGWAR website!) along with the following:

  1. ORB / ERB with DA Photo updated within 12 months prior to the date of application.

  2. DA Form 705 APFT scorecard reflecting a score of at least 270 (min. 90 points per event) on a record APFT.

  3. DA Form 7801 (rifle) or DA Form 7814 (pistol) Weapons Qualification scorecard reflecting a minimum grade of “Sharpshooter” (or “First Class”).

  4. Certificate(s) of Graduation or Completion for qualifying schools, badges, events.

  5. Triple-R Induction Challenge Liability Waiver, signed and dated by the Candidate, and the Challenge Completion Certification signed by the Challenge Proctor.


