Ladies and gentlemen, the 2019 Triple-R Induction Challenge at Fort Irwin is in the books!
Yesterday (4 October) at 0500 hours, the entire Office of the Staff Judge Advocate came out to support the two paralegals and four Judge Advocates who completed this rigorous athletic event. It was a deeply inspiring performance all around.
But before we delve into the gory details, an honorable mention is in order!
The Fort Irwin OSJA’s chief paralegal—MSG Andrea Williams—served as the the Challenge’s “On-Site Event Coordinator” (OSEC) and could not have done a better job. She set the standard for logistical preparation, developing an itinerary, selecting the run and ruck course routes, setting up water stations, securing a van with which to move the event participants around post, and churning out an information packet that kept the JAGWARriors apprised of each facet of the Challenge. Both the Fort Irwin OSJA and the JAGWAR are indebted to her for such dilligence. To turn a phrase, she brings great credit upon the U.S. Army and its beloved JAG Corps!
And now: The Challenge!
The Fort Irwin OSJA kicked off the Triple-R Challenge under the enthusiastic leadership of LTC Philip Staten, who has been a staunch advocate of pursuing excellence in both arenas of our dual profession. He rallied his office to support the event as either participant or sustainer, and so it was that Fort Irwin’s legal team showed up in force before dawn for the first Challenge event: the RUN.
Pictured above-center from left to right (flanked on either side by MSG Williams and LTC Staten) are the “Candidates”: PFC Ian Greene, CPT Jason Reeves, SPC Kyle Custer-Jones, CPT Franz Bernard, MAJ Kurt Rowland, LTC Daniel Estaville, CPT Sergio Suarez. The photo on the right depicts the blur of reflective belts as the first three runners race to the finish line of the 4-mile Run route.
From there, it was off to Fort Irwin’s breathtaking “Box Gym” (below left) to transition into boots and OCPs, and then into the van (below center) for transport to the Rope climbing pit. Pictured on the right are the runners-cum-climbers, now ready to ascend 25 feet!
If you don’t know the proper technique, the Rope climb is one of the Challenge’s hardest events. Mastering the “foot-locking” method is critical to preserving strength recently sapped by the preceding breakneck pace run. The entire three-event Triple-R Challenge must be completed in 3.5 hours; there’s barely time to catch your breath, let alone regain your strength in advance of the grueling back-to-back-to-back physical demands!
As dawn breaks over the mountains, the Candidates tackle the 25’ rope!
LTC Daniel Estaville takes a second to pose for the camera upon reaching the top of the rope!
His enthusiasm and esprit de corps proved unmatched throughout the day’s events.
Piling back into the van, the Candidates headed off to the start of the 10-mile Ruck route, where their ruck sacks were weighed to ensure compliance with the minimum load of 35-lbs.
As demonstrated by one of the enterprising Candidates, our dual profession makes excellent dual use of legal textbooks… =)
The entire OSJA assembled to support the Candidates as they prepared to SP, while MSG Williams approached each participant in turn to provide the Ruck route map and share last-minute info.
And then… THEY WERE OFF! The Challenge requires maintaining a minimum 15-minute per mile pace in order to complete the ruck in the requisite 2.5 hours.
RIGHT: Are those palm trees???
Is it just me, or is Fort Irwin a LOT nicer than conventional Army mythology would have you believe?
One of the most heartwarming aspects to Fort Irwin’s approach to the Challenge was the collegial atmosphere throughout. Pictured below are a few of the many demonstrations of support by the non-participants, who nonetheless staffed the route at various water stations to provide lickies, chewies, and hydration to the Candidates as each of them raced by.
But by far the most inspiring sight was that of the non-participants running to greet the ruck marchers as they rounded the bend, finish line in sight. Without prompting of any kind, these colleague spectators marched alongside the Candidates in solidarity as they trekked the final hurried hundred meters to victory!
And finally, it was over! Candidates crossed the finish line with a handshake and were awarded the coveted JAGWAR coin for successfully completing all three of the Triple-R Induction Challenge’s component events!
At the finish line, the Order of the Judge Advocate General’s Corps Warrior-Attorney Regiment also realized a longtime ambition: inducting its first member from the U.S. Army Reserves! LTC Daniel Estaville completed all the membership requirements in addition to the Induction Challenge. As such, he was inducted into the Order on the spot, at the finish line. (See BELOW.)
NOTE: Not featured but also inducted on 4 October 2019 was MAJ Kurt Rowland, Deputy Staff Judge Advocate. We’re incredibly grateful for his support, energy, participation, and leadership in this endeavor.
With the Challenge behind them, the Candidates and the entire OSJA team lined up for a few final photo opportunities.
The JAGWAR is honored to have partnered with the Fort Irwin OSJA to execute this Challenge. It was an impressive display of athleticism and committment, and powerfully demonstrated that Fort Irwin’s legal team truly is comprised of consummate dual professionals, to wit:
One-half legal, one-half lethal.
In closing, thank you Fort Irwin OSJA for your incredible hospitality! CPT Sommer had a blast spending the day with you folks, and it’s an honor to welcome some of you into the Order. We look forward to striving and persevering with our esteemed Fort Irwin JAG Corps colleagues again soon!
=== A word from CPT Jesse Sommer ===
Pictured at right is me with Fort Irwin’s Staff Judge Advocate, aka “the artist formerly known as MAJ Staten” back when I knew him as one of my JAOBC instructors seven years ago.
LTC Staten was among my earliest mentors in the JAG Corps, and was uncompromising in encouraging my creativity and drive. Most significantly, though, LTC Staten unapologetically insisted that Judge Advocates cultivate athleticism and soldier skills in tandem with their legal acumen.
In short, he embodies the JAGWAR ethos and in many ways contributed to the establishment of this organization. It was thus a genuine pleasure to be invited to Fort Irwin to orchestrate and execute the Triple-R Challenge. He was enthusiastic and supportive from the earliest stages of planning and, on behalf of the Order, we’re immensely grateful for his limitless, consistent, and passionate support of our efforts.
Thank you, sir. I had a great time; I hope the new attorneys and paralegals you’re mentoring did too!