Integrating the Active and Reserve Components


Last month, the U.S. Army Judge Advocate General (TJAG) and Deputy Judge Advocate General (DJAG) addressed the entire JAG Corps community to rally attorneys, paralegals, and legal administrators in both the Active and Reserve Components to better integrate their cultures and activities. They announced the approval of “Active Component/Reserve Component integration protocols to ensure Total Force Readiness” and, in so doing, signaled their faith in the vital importance of all forms of Army JAG Corps service.

Regardless of whether such was their intention, TJAG/DJAG’s call to action inspired us; more effectively integrating the Active and Reserve Component JAG Corps experience is a cause near and dear to the JAGWAR’s heart. Indeed, it’s one of the principal missions of our Order!

Declaring it imperative to “create a cohesive team amongst all components to attain the readiness level that supports the warfighting mission of the future”, our JAG Corps leadership directed Active Component Staff Judge Advocates (SJAs) to “identify training/support opportunities and work with their RC partners to plan integration events.”

And fortunately, the Order of the JAGWAR is poised and ready to assist in executing this mission.

In fact, this coming October, the JAGWAR is partnering with the Fort Irwin Office of the Staff Judge Advocate to administer yet another Triple-R Induction Challenge. So far, it appears that the participants will be legal professionals assigned both to Fort Irwin and to nearby Army Reserve units. We’re really excited to welcome into the Order what we expect will be our first Reserve Component Inductee(s), and we’re proud that our organization is fulfilling TJAG/DJAG’s mandate to help foster integration between the Active Component and Reserve Component, all in an effort to “improve Total Readiness throughout the Corps.”

Regardless of how you serve(d), where you serve(d), when you serve(d), the Order of the JAGWAR salutes your service. Never stop striving, JAGWARriors! Today is yet another day to BE READY!