Results and coverage of the first Norwegian Foot Marches of 2021 are trickling in. As we noted just a couple weeks ago, COVID-19 mitigation measures have prompted a historic relaxation of the previously onerous requirement of securing an on-site Norwegian official to certify participation and completion. With that factor no longer an obstacle to orchestrating this grueling event, units throughout the Army’s global footprint are exploiting this short-lived opportunity to dramatic fanfare, and the JAGWAR is pleased to announce that several Judge Advocates and paralegals have already attained their Norwegian Foot March Badge—one of many mechanisms by which to fulfill the Order’s membership criteria.
In addition to receiving a foreign badge signifying their successful completion of the Norwegian Foot March, marchers also receive a snazzy certificate, signed by the certifying Norwegian official.
In 2021, the requirement that the Norwegian official be physically present was relaxed due to COVID-19.
On the other side of the world at Camp Arifjan, Kuwait, 384 of the 461 Soldiers who negotiated the 18.6 mile course successfully finished the march, administered on both 7 and 14 March 2021. This particular administration was a true joint effort, coordinated by a couple of enterprising First Lieutenants from both the United States and Norwegian armies, and undertaken by troops from across the coalition and up-and-down the rank spectrum, to include Australian Army Maj. Gen. Christopher A. Field, the U.S. Army Central Command deputy commanding general for operations.
Just a few days later on America’s west coast, the 514th Medical Company (Ground Ambulance) hosted a Norwegian Foot March at Joint Base Lewis-McChord for more than 300 Soldiers on 19 March 2021.
A Norwegian Foot Marcher weighs his rucksack at the starting line to ensure he’s within the standard.
Two weeks later, on 2 April 2021, Servicemembers from all across the Armed Forces for a pre-dawn step off at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa. SFC Jenna McAllister, USCENTCOM Commander’s Action Group admin noncommissioned officer in charge, said it best: “Foreign badges usually involve a unique challenge and integration with coalition partners that enhance one's overall experience in the military. Earning this is special because it’s one of the few foreign military badges you can wear on the uniform.”
And then it was back to Kuwait for an overnight administration of the Norwegian Foot March at Camp Buehring, 17-18 April 2021, with the 28th Expeditionary Combat Aviation Brigade. Nearly a hundred Soldiers undertook this arduous challenge, though it appears the 1st place finisher—Army Chaplain CPT Justin Thomas—benefitted from a bit of support from his most divinely supreme of tech chain commanders.
Stay tuned! In just a couple days, we hope to have updates on a Norwegian Foot March organized by enterprising officers and enlisted Soldiers with one of our very own OSJAs!