The Army JAG Corps "Regimental Award"

Great news for our great performers!

In the latest TJAG and DJAG Special Announcement (#40-06 - Announcement of Decisions Made on Strategic Initiatives), our leadership has publicized creation of the Army JAG Corps’s first “Regimental Award”. It explains it thusly:

Our world-class legal professionals are frequently recognized by external organizations. However, as a Regiment, we should have some way of honoring our teammates. We have authorized the creation of a Regimental Award program to better enable us to recognize our best and brightest and preserve our distinguished and proud history as a Regiment. Both the criteria and process for receiving these honors will be published in Spring 2019.

So stay tuned, enterprising attorneys, paralegals, and legal administrators. Remember your charge as the Army’s dual professional. Excel both at the office and at the range, in garrison or downrange, and wherever you find opportunities to contribute to the Army mission.

I’m proud of you, and of us. I look forward to honoring the first recipient of this new distinction.